The Ridgeway40 Walk

40 miles on foot in one day

Entry Form

Ridgeway 40 Walk - 11 May 2024
Entries Open 30 September 2023 
Entries Close 5 May 2024
On the Day No entries will be accepted on the day
Entry Limit 400
Entry Cost (LDWA members) £15
Entry Cost (None LDWA members) £18
Coach from Streatley YH (SU591806)
to the start of event at Avebury
Online Entry Link Click Here
Youth Hostel Booking Email:

For other accomodation in Goring see:

We are continuing to use SiEntries as our preferred entry method because it is a secure system and greatly helps cut down on administration work for the organizing team.

Event Date

Memories of Past Events

just checking the route
ehh... which way

Anne and Arthur Goulding in 2010, checking the participant at Barbury Castle (CP1)

2010-davey enjoying himself
2010 was a wet,cold and windy event but like many other participants, Dave Young’s spirits are not dampened! (photo: Carl Roe)