The Ridgeway40 Walk

40 miles on foot in one day

Rules - Terms and Conditions

General Information

CLOSING DATE – See Entry Forms page (deadline will be strictly adhered to, with no entries being accepted after the closing date).

for walkers is at any time between 08.00 and 08.45 from Avebury Sports and Social Hall. Remember to register and collect your Electronic Tag. Anyone planning to run the whole route and expects to complete it in a fast time should start as late as possible (but before 08:45), to ensure that checkpoints will be open before your expected arrival time.

to all entrants who complete the walk.

- Please take great care when crossing or walking along roads. (Note: Most of the route in Wiltshire and the track between Bury Down and Streatley are classed as byways open to all traffic so you may encounter cars and motorbikes along these sections. The route crosses some of the highest land in the area so it is very exposed in those stretches. Wind and rainproof clothing should be carried in case of bad weather. If it is sunny, you may wish to consider wearing a hat and applying a high factor sun tan cream, and it is always advisable to make sure that you do not get dehydrated.

RISK: EVERYONE taking part in this event does so at their own risk. Please ensure that you are equipped adequately for such a long trek. Please keep to the designated paths.

ROUTE FINDING is the responsibility of the entrant, using the route map in conjunction with the relevant OS maps. LIMIT OF ENTRIES is 400 persons.

– See our Entry Form

– The Ridgeway 20 event is run by a different organiser. Please use the email address on the contacts page if you wish to enter or need any information about this event.

Terms and Conditions of Entry

  1. The Ridgeway 40 is open to any person over 18 on the day. An entry form must be completed by each entrant and submitted with the appropriate fee
    Those under 18 but over 14 may enter if accompanied by a parent or legal guardian or by an adult authorised by a parental consent letter. Please hand the consent letter to the start marshal at the Avebury starting point. No letter no start. If the accompanying adult retires the minor must also retire.
  2. A condition of entry is that you are in good health and have no medical condition that may cause undue concern or inconvenience to others. You accept that you participate at your own risk and that no liability is accepted by the organisers for injury, damage or loss sustained by you before, during or after the event.
  3. All entrants must wear or carry appropriate clothing, waterproofs and footwear for an event of this nature.
  4. All entrants must carry maps LR173 and LR174 or suitable alternative, or Google maps from our website, plus mug and drinking water.
  5. Any sections through private farmland must be strictly adhered to. Dogs must be on leads at all times and have public liability insurance.
  6. Please observe the Country Code especially with reference to closing gates appropriately.
  7. Cancellation of an entry on or before 3 months of the event date will have the fee and any coach fare refunded. Cancellation between 3 months and 6 weeks of the event will have 50% of the fee and 50% of the coach fare refunded. There will be no refunds of fees or coach fares within 6 weeks of the event.
  8. Retirement: If you are retiring, you must hand your check card to a marshal at a checkpoint. If it is not possible for you to reach a marshal, you must hand your check card to another person to hand in, or telephone the emergency phone number shown on your check card.
  9. CHECKPOINT CLOSING TIMES: At any time in the walk, marshals have the right to retire anybody who is going so slowly that they will miss CP closing times. Walkers arriving later than the check points official closing time will be automatically retired, see the Check Point Information on our Map Page for specific information regarding Check Point opening and closing times:

    1. These cut off times are for your safety and the safety of marshals, drivers and support services, who are all volunteers.
    2. NOTE - We will not be providing transport for retirees at any check points or any place inbetween. This is a 40 mile walk in a limited time and requires prior training and good health. We strongly advise that you download the APP  what3words onto your mobile phone which will navigate your friend or familiy should you require their help.
  10. It is each entrant's responsibility to be recorded appropriately at all checkpoints.
  11. Each applicant is responsible for their own reservation / accommodation if it is required
Event Date

Memories of Past Events

The start - 2010 Participant being 'checked-in' at the start of the 2010 event


2010_cp1Anne and Arthur Goulding checking the participant at Barbury Castle (CP1)


2010_cp2Angela Bellwood at CP2 (9.5 mile point) assisting with drinks and general support


cp3 - taking notesReviewing the results at cp3


cp4 - food stop

Food being handed out at cp4 to participant wanting creamy rice.