The Ridgeway40 Walk

40 miles on foot in one day

About the Walk and General Information

THE ROUTE: 40 miles across the chalk downs between Avebury Sports and Social Club Grid Ref (GR: SU102697, post code SN8 1RD), and the Morrell Room, Church Lane, Streatley, RG8 9HT.
The route from the Avebury Sports Club goes up Avebury High street and then the Hare Path, to join the Ridgeway proper at the top of the hill.

Apart from a slight variation between Barbury Castle and Whitefield Hill, the route follows the ancient track known as the Ridgeway and way-marked as the Ridgeway. Ordnance Survey maps 173 and 174 (1:50,000 series) cover the walk.

THE OBJECT: is to complete the 40-mile route on foot in one go. The walk is not a race although entrants in the walk can run if they wish.

: This event uses a small computer chip attached to a card containing your unique Participant Number, which you will receive when you enter on the SiEntries system. The check cards will be given out at the start in Avebury Sports and Social Hall. Please attach this securely to your rucksack by a length of string so it can easily be scanned at each of the Checkpoints by a marshal. When you leave the Avebury Hall, you must have your check card scanned by a marshal. This records you starting the walk and the time you start. At each Checkpoint your check card must be scanned to record your progress along the route. At the finish you MUST hand your check card in for scanning to record the time you finish.

: Checkpoint information, the route map and Streatley street map can all be downloaded from our MAP page. Harvey’s Ridgeway National Trail map, which is waterproof, also covers the route in strip map form.

EVERY ENTRANT Every entrant should carry a plastic mug, drinking water bottle or similar.

YOU ARE ADVISED TO TAKE WITH YOU: Some food and drink, maps, torch, compass, first aid kit, a high factor sun tan cream, appropriate footwear and protective clothing (NB the Ridgeway is very exposed and it can get very cold if it rains and / or is windy so please ensure that you have suitable attire). Also ensure that you carry suitable coinage for a payphone, unless you have a mobile phone with credit and a charged battery.

: There are public toilets at Barbury Castle (half way between the start and CP1), from hence there are no public toilets, shops or places to eat on the route. However, it is planned to have mobile toilets at CP2, CP4 and CP5. There are water points at 17 miles (Idstone Barn, GR 264835, about a mile beyond Ridgeway Farm) and a few hundred yards before the B4001 road (23 miles). Although you are advised to carry food and drink with you, the entry fee includes light refreshments at most CPs; tea may be provided at one CP and water and squash at all other CPs except the start. Drinks and a food snack bag are provided at the finish.

INJURY OR LOSS: Participation is entirely at the entrant's risk

:Individual electronic certificates will be emailed to all those who complete the walk. The results and walk report will be available for download from this website as soon as practical after the walk. Badges will be on sale for £2 each (cash only) at the finish and there are various other badges and awards for walkers who have successfully completed more than one Ridgeway Walk. These must be collected at the finish and before you leave as they will not be sent to you.

: Coaches will leave from outside Streatley YH for the start at 06.45am prompt. The cost of a seat is listed on the Entry Form. If you need a seat, please book by the deadline shown on the entry form (deadline will be strictly adhered to). Early application is advisable as a sudden rush of bookings near the deadline may mean that we cannot hire coaches with enough capacity to provide seats for all who want them. Anyone failing to secure a seat will have to make their own way to the start.

PARKING (Start and Finish)
: There is parking at the Avebury Sports Club at the start of the walk but if you take this option, please ensure that you will be able to make you own way back to the start from the finish. We can't provide return transport if you decide upon for this option.

At the end of the walk there is no parking at the Finish point, but there are public car parks within a mile and in nearby streets. A map of the area showing the location of parking, etc is available for download, see our MAP page for more information. Please do not park in any pub car park unless you have the landlord's permission.

Wherever you decided to park, please observe the Highway Code and do not park in front of driveways or opposite other parked vehicles.

ACCOMMODATION: Ridgeway walkers, whether or not they are members of the YHA, can stay overnight at Streatley YH. See our accommodation page for further details of youth hostel details and charges. Early booking is advisable as the hostel has only 48 beds, some of which have to be reserved for marshals
Event Date

Memories of Past Events

cp1-1Two friends having a great day out (photo Dave Dare)


cp1-2Some people chose to run the walk! (photo Dave Dare).


cp7-1Still smiling at at the 32 mile point (cp7). (photo Dave Dare).


cp7-1What a beautiful day for a quiet stroll.(photo Dave Dare)