The Ridgeway40 Walk

40 miles on foot in one day


In most years there is a very heavy demand for beds at the Youth Hostel for the Friday and Saturday nights and you may wish to consider one of the alternatives below.

  1. Putting your name on a waiting list for a bed at the hostel, pending cancellations
  2. Investigating other B & B accommodation options from the following:
  3. Each applicant is responsible for their own reservations / accommodation

Entrants to the Ridgeway Walk, whether YHA members or not, can stay overnight at Streatley YH, Hill House, Reading Road, Streatley, Reading, Berks, RG8 9JJ (phone: 01491 872278) on the Friday and Saturday of the walk. See the Streatley Map for location.

If ordered in advance, packed breakfasts can be provided for consumption before the coach arrives or on the coach on Saturday morning. Tea and coffee will be available before the coach arrives.

Event Date

YH Accommodation

Streatley Youth Hostal
Streatley Youth Hostal

Jeffrey Trybus Fastest Finisher

Jeffrey Trybus, who is looking very cool, was fastest to complete the event being first home in 2019 with a time of 6.08 Hours

Darryl being scanned

Darryl Rayment being scanned at the finish in 2019 using our phone scanners software